Our site is literally surrounded by the tell tale signs of Badgers and we suspect that the local badger population consists of several sets and dozens of individuals. Despite badgers being notoriously shy they now visit our site every night and whilst we don't encourage any interaction with the badgers, the site is an ideal place to be able to observe badgers in their natural habitat.
To start with we would like to survey the area around the site in order to better understand the size of the population and location of the sets. We plan to build a hide or hides in order to provide the opportunity to our guests and visitors to observe and learn more about wild badgers first hand.
A national badger survey is taking place from 2022 - 2025 for which we would like to use our knowledge to participate. As our site is so rural and remote, we are able to access areas that may not otherwise be easily available to the survey.
From www.scottishbadgers.org.uk
Background to survey: From 2022 to 2025, the charity Scottish Badgers will be undertaking a national survey to estimate changes in badger main sett density and distribution since the previous Scottish Badger Distribution Survey in 2006-2009. Supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the citizen science project will work with around 500 volunteers to survey a random, stratified sample of 1000 1-km survey sites for badger presence. A network of trained volunteer surveyors will collect data on badger setts, field signs, habitats and evidence of human disturbance. Data collected will be analysed by statisticians to determine changes in badger main sett density and the effect of habitat change, development and wildlife crime.
What we are looking for: We are looking for budding citizen scientists with an interest in badgers and a love of the outdoors. Volunteers, once trained, will be required to undertake a full survey of a pre-determined 1-km square near them, recording any badger setts and field signs found. They will also be required to record the habitats within their allocated survey square and any signs of human disturbance at badger setts.